Value-based pricing guide for SaaS: Strategies, examples, and implementation

Alvaro Morales

Let’s face it: Saying that your SaaS product’s pricing aligns with what your customers expect from it feels like a cop-out. Who wouldn’t say that?

By the end of this article, you should have enough knowledge to implement a successful value-based pricing strategy. Ideally, the next time you say your SaaS’s pricing aligns with the value customers get, you’ll have the confidence of knowing it’s 100% true. 

Here’s what we'll cover:

  • A definition of value-based pricing
  • A quick look at the value-based pricing formula
  • How to determine your SaaS’s perceived value
  • Benefits of going with a value-based pricing strategy
  • Some real-life examples of SaaS companies that use value-based pricing
  • Best practices, challenges, and potential solutions during implementation

Let’s begin.

What is value-based pricing?

Value-based pricing is a strategy in which a company sets the price of its SaaS product based on how much its customers believe it's worth. It's about understanding the value your customers perceive in what you offer and pricing it to match that perception. 

Instead of calculating the cost to make your product and adding a standard profit margin, value-based pricing flips the script. It starts with the customer and what they are willing to pay for your product's benefits.

The value-based pricing formula

The basic formula for value-based pricing is:

Price = (Perceived Value to the Customer) − (Discount)

How do you determine perceived value?

The key to this formula is figuring out that perceived value. How much is your product really worth to your customer? To find this out, businesses use several methods:

  • Direct polls: Ask your customers through surveys and interviews. You'll uncover what they truly value about your product and gauge how much they would pay.
  • Market investigation: Analyze industry trends, customer preferences, and buying behavior to understand what similar products are worth to customers.
  • Looking at your competitor’s playbook: Examine competitors' pricing and features. This will let you gauge the perceived value of similar offerings.

Why use value-based pricing?

Now that you’re more familiar with the underlying mechanics of value-based pricing, let’s take a look at some of its key advantages: 

  • Capture the full value: By understanding and aligning your prices with what customers are willing to pay, you can charge a little extra. Other pricing strategies don't allow you to do that so easily. This translates to healthier profit margins and a stronger bottom line.
  • Get happy and loyal customers: When customers feel they're getting a good bang for their buck, they're more likely to be satisfied with their purchase. This satisfaction breeds loyalty, encouraging repeat business and positive word-of-mouth.
  • Stand out from the crowd: Value-based pricing helps you differentiate your product. Instead of competing solely on price, you're emphasizing the unique value your product brings to customers. This makes your SaaS product more attractive, even if it's not the cheapest option.

How do you implement a value-based pricing strategy in SaaS?

Implementation might seem daunting at first. To save you the headache, here's a breakdown of the key steps involved:

Finding your key value drivers

For SaaS businesses, the key value drivers that influence customer perception include:

  • Software functionality: Core features and capabilities of your software
  • Customization options: Ability to tailor the software to specific needs and workflows
  • Scalability: Software's ability to accommodate growth and changing user demands
  • Support: Level of technical support and customer service provided
  • Integration capabilities: Ease of integrating the software with other tools and platforms

Doing some customer segmentation

Not all customers value the same features to the same degree. Segmenting your market into different groups is a good move, primarily if this segmentation is based on their needs and pain points. It allows you to tailor your pricing strategies to each segment, which leads to more competitive pricing and happy users.

Communicating value clearly

It's crucial to effectively communicate the value proposition of your SaaS product to justify the pricing. Here are two great ways to do this: 

  • Website and marketing materials: Craft compelling website copy, landing pages, and marketing materials. These should clearly articulate the value proposition of your SaaS product. Use case studies and testimonials to solidify this perceived value.
  • Free trials and demos: Offer free trials or demos to allow potential customers to experience the value of your product firsthand. This can be a powerful way to let your SaaS solution itself do the talking for you, so to speak.

Challenges of value-based pricing (and possible solutions)

Value-based pricing isn't without its hurdles. With awareness and proactive measures, these can be overcome:

Putting a number on worth

It's tough to pinpoint precisely how much value each customer gets from your product, especially for SaaS products, where value builds over time. Customer surveys and market research are helpful, but everyone values different things.


  • Dig deeper into customer feedback. Do it through interviews and focus groups to understand individual preferences and use cases.
  • Use data analytics to track usage patterns. Then, identify which features drive the most value for different customer segments.
  • Consider offering tiered pricing plans. These could have varying features and price points to cater to diverse customer needs and perceptions of value.

The shifting sands of value perception

Customer preferences and the competitive landscape change. A feature that was a standout yesterday might be standard today.


  • Keep your finger on the pulse of the market and your customers' needs. Regularly gather feedback and conduct market research to stay ahead of evolving trends.
  • Be ready to adjust your pricing model as perceptions shift. Flexibility is critical to maintaining a successful value-based pricing strategy.
  • Continuously innovate and add new features that reinforce your product's value proposition.

The resource-intensive journey of implementation

Value-based pricing requires a significant investment of time and resources. You must deeply understand your customers' needs, research, and segment your audience.


  • Start with a focused approach. Don't implement value-based pricing across your entire product line simultaneously. Start with a few key offerings or customer segments.
  • Prioritize the most impactful value drivers. Then, develop pricing strategies that specifically address those areas.
  • Leverage technology and automation. This will help you simplify the process of collecting and analyzing customer data.

Examples of SaaS companies that use value-based pricing

Example 1: Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe went from individual software licenses to a subscription-based model called Creative Cloud. This change allowed customers to access creative tools for a recurring fee.

This move aligned Adobe's pricing with the evolving needs of its customers, who valued access to the latest tools through a subscription model. It also provided Adobe with a more predictable revenue stream that continues to grow today. 

Example 2: Slack

Slack uses a tiered pricing model to cater to different customer needs and budgets. They offer a free version with basic features and paid plans (Standard and Plus). These unlock additional value like administrative controls, unlimited integrations, and priority customer support.

This approach allows customers to choose the plan that best aligns with their perceived value and needs. The free version acts as an entry point, while the paid plans cater to businesses that need more advanced features and support. 

Value-based pricing implementation tips for SaaS businesses

To unlock the benefits of value-based pricing in the SaaS world, consider these practical tips:

Keep the feedback loop going

Customer insights are the bedrock of value-based pricing. To stay on track, establish a continuous feedback loop. Regularly engage with your customers through surveys, interviews, and feedback forms. Ask about their experiences and what features they find most valuable.

Analyze this feedback to identify patterns and trends. Are there features that customers consistently rave about? Are there any they hardly use? This information will help refine your pricing strategy and align it with your customers' perceived value.

Experiment with A/B testing

Finding the perfect price point is often a matter of experimentation. A/B testing allows you to test different pricing levels, packages, and models to see what resonates best with your customers.

Test different ways of showing your pricing. Experiment with different feature combinations and observe how customers respond. Analyzing the results gives valuable insights into what your customers value most and how much they're willing to pay.

Be transparent with your pricing – always

Be upfront and transparent about your pricing policies. Clearly explain what is included in each pricing tier, including features, usage limits, and support levels. This clarity helps customers understand the value they'll receive and justifies their price.

Next steps

You've crafted a tailored value-based pricing strategy for your SaaS product. Now comes the exciting part: implementing it. 

That’s where a done-for-you billing platform like Orb comes into the picture. 

We understand the intricacies of value-based pricing, so we’ve built a platform that simplifies the implementation process. The result? You're free to focus on your core product and overall business strategy. 

With Orb, you can:

  • Align billing with value: Orb's billing infrastructure handles the complexities of value-based pricing. We track usage, calculate charges, and automate invoicing so you can focus on delivering value. 
  • Tweak your pricing: Orb empowers you to easily create and adjust pricing tiers, discounts, and value-based metrics. This lets you fine-tune your pricing strategy in response to customer feedback and market changes. 
  • Integrate your tools: Orb integrates with your existing tools and workflows, including your data warehouse. You can transition to your new pricing model without disrupting your existing systems.

Learn more about how Orb can solve your value-based SaaS billing needs.

June 17, 2024

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