How the wrong software billing system is hurting you

Sarah Goomar

Your software billing system is the engine that drives your revenue workflows and, therefore, has an outsized impact on your company’s overall success. As a result, a subpar or outdated billing system can act as a silent saboteur, undermining your growth and profitability.

In this article, we’ll explain how and why a lackluster software billing system might not cut it. 

You'll learn:

  • The critical risks of an inadequate billing system
  • Hidden costs that drain your resources
  • How flexible pricing models can transform your business
  • Why Orb is the solution to your billing woes

Let's start by understanding the risks of relying on a subpar billing system.

What are the risks of using the wrong software billing system?

Choosing the wrong billing system software can feel frustrating and ultimately counterproductive. The repercussions of this mismatch can ripple through your entire business. Most importantly, this effect can impact your bottom line and customer relationships. 

Let's dive into some of the risks you face when your billing system isn't up to par:

  • Revenue leakage and missed chances: Bad invoices, failed payments, and billing errors lead to lost revenue. It’s essentially just leaving money on the table. 

    Without robust billing management software, you might miss upsell and cross-sell opportunities. Why? They offer inflexible pricing structures or a lack of visibility into customer usage data.
  • Customer churn: Billing issues are a major source of customer frustration. Nobody likes surprise charges, incorrect invoices, or difficulty managing their subscriptions. A poor billing experience can drive customers away and damage your reputation.
  • Integration issues and data silos: Your billing system should play well with your other critical business tools, especially your CRM or accounting software.

    Otherwise, manual data entry and reconciliation problems might arise — especially with in-house billing. This wastes time and increases the risk of errors, further impacting your key business metrics.
  • Stunted growth and scalability: As your business grows, your billing needs will become more complex. A rigid software billing system won’t do.  If it can't handle new products, pricing models, or international expansion, it won’t help you scale. 
  • Lack of real-time insights: Flying blind is never a sound strategy. Without real-time data on your billing and revenue metrics, you can't make informed decisions. You need to be able to track KPIs like MRR, churn rate, and customer lifetime value to stay ahead of the curve.
  • Safety and compliance risks: Outdated billing systems can expose you to security and compliance issues. You need a system that prioritizes data protection and adheres to industry regulations.

In the next section, we'll take a closer look at each of these risks and how they can manifest in your day-to-day operations. We'll also explore how the right billing system software can help you avoid these pitfalls.

A closer look at some software billing system red flags

We’ll now help you run a quick diagnostic of your software billing system. If you’re considering making a switch, see if your current system aligns with some of these six red flags:  

Red flag 1: Your system’s billing errors are draining your revenue

Overcharges, undercharges, and incorrect invoices are all billing errors that lead to lost revenue. Every refund or chargeback represents money earned but not kept. 

An inflexible billing system can prevent you from capitalizing on upselling and cross-selling. If your system can't handle new products, pricing models, or usage-based billing, you're missing out on revenue growth.

Consider these potential impacts:

  • Difficulty implementing discounts or add-ons, leading to missed or reduced sales opportunities.
  • Inability to accurately track usage or meter consumption for usage-based billing.
  • Challenges in managing complex pricing structures, such as tiered subscriptions or volume discounts.

Red flag 2: Customers are churning from billing-system frustrations

Your customers deserve a smooth and billing experience. Errors, delays, or confusing invoices erode their trust in your business. This dissatisfaction can lead to churn, as customers seek out competitors who offer a more seamless billing process.

Remember, acquiring new customers is far more expensive than retaining existing ones. Every customer you lose due to billing issues is a double blow to your bottom line.

These issues can manifest in a variety of ways:

  • Unexpected charges for features or services not used can lead to disputes.
  • Difficulty canceling subscriptions or downgrading plans ends up causing frustration and resentment.
  • Lack of clear communication about billing changes or upcoming charges leads to nasty surprises.

Red flag 3: Your billing system doesn't integrate with your other tools

Your software billing system needs to integrate with your critical business tools. These tools would be your CRM, ERP, and accounting software. If it doesn't integrate, you're stuck with manual data entry, reconciliation errors, and wasted time. These inefficiencies can have a real financial cost, not to mention the frustration they cause for your team. 

A unified platform that connects your billing system with your other essential tools eliminates data silos. It can also streamline tedious processes and empower your team to work more efficiently.

Keep your eyes peeled for these three integration shortcomings:

  • Your billing can’t automate data flow between systems. It leads to manual workarounds and errors.
  • It has difficulty generating accurate financial reports. Fragmented data is the main culprit here.
  • It’s failing to provide a cohesive customer experience across different channels.

Red flag 4: Your billing system can't keep up with your growth

Your billing system needs to scale with you as your business grows and your transaction volumes increase. An outdated or inflexible system can quickly become a bottleneck. 

This can lead to situations such as these:

  • You get system crashes or slowdowns during peak billing periods.
  • You’re unable to support new payment methods or currencies as you expand into new markets.
  • You’re facing difficulties handling complex billing scenarios. Think about scenarios where proration or recurring discounts are involved.

A scalable billing system ensures you can handle growth. All without sacrificing efficiency or customer experience.

Red flag 5: You're flying blind without real-time data

The SaaS industry is fast-paced, and real-time data acts as your compass. If your billing system only provides outdated reports, you lack the key insights to make informed decisions.

Timely access to key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial. Consider the following:

  • Without real-time data, you miss out on the ability to forecast revenue accurately. Spotting potential churn risks in advance is harder. The result? Financial consequences can throw a wrench in your proactive customer retention efforts.
  • Real-time usage data can unlock opportunities to optimize pricing strategies. This data helps you make sure you're maximizing revenue without alienating customers.
  • A lack of timely insights can slow down your response to market changes. This shortcoming can leave you at a competitive disadvantage.

A software billing system that provides real-time insights helps you to make data-driven decisions. Fully grasping this information as it unfolds can help steer your business toward sustainable growth.

Red flag 6: Your customers' data is at risk

Your customers trust you with their sensitive financial information. A breach of that trust can have severe consequences, both financially and reputationally. Outdated billing systems are often full of security vulnerabilities. These blind spots make them prime targets for hackers.

Key security concerns include:

  • Bad encryption or data protection measures can leave customer information exposed to prying eyes. Not addressing this early on can lead to identity theft and financial fraud.
  • Failure to comply with industry-specific security standards, such as PCI-DSS, can result in hefty fines. The ramifications can also lead to legal problems and damage to your brand's reputation.
  • Lack of regular security audits and updates leaves your system vulnerable to new threats and exploits. Little to no audits and updates result in a higher risk of breaches and data loss.

In short, a modern, secure software billing system is a must to protect your customers' data and your business's reputation.

Costs of maintaining a bad billing system

The true cost of a subpar billing system often lies beneath the surface. It's the insidious drain on your resources, the silent thief of productivity, and the unseen barrier to growth. Let's shed some light on these hidden costs:

The manual labor trap of in-house systems

An inefficient software billing system often forces your team into a time-consuming cycle of manual tasks. Think about all the time lost in tasks such as data entry, invoice generation, payment reconciliation, and support inquiries.

These tasks eat up valuable time that could be spent on strategic initiatives and increase the risk of human error. This inefficiency often leads to further complications and frustrated customers.

The IT maintenance grind 

Maintaining a homegrown or outdated billing system can be a never-ending saga of bug fixes, updates, and workarounds. Your IT team might find themselves constantly firefighting. It's like trying to patch up a leaky boat with high-resistance duct tape. It might work temporarily, but it's not a sustainable solution.

The opportunity cost of missed automation

Automation is the key to unlocking efficiency and scalability in your billing processes. A subpar system that lacks automation capabilities forces you to rely on manual processes. It limits your ability to handle growth and adapt to changing market conditions.

Imagine the possibilities if your team could reclaim the countless hours spent on mundane billing tasks. They could focus on strategic initiatives, customer relationship building, and product innovation. 

A drain on valuable resources

Ultimately, a bad billing system is a drain on your most valuable resources: Time, money, and talent. The costs might not be immediately apparent, but they accumulate over time, slowing your growth and impeding your progress.

The solution: Flexible pricing models

Flexible pricing models allow you to tailor your offerings to the unique needs and budgets of your customers. Think models like usage-based pricing, tiered subscriptions, or custom plans. 

The ability to offer a variety of options can translate into happier customers and higher adoption. You want to give your customers the freedom to choose the plan that best suits their needs, rather than forcing them into a rigid structure.

Adapting to market changes = staying ahead of the curve

Your pricing strategy needs to be able to keep up. Flexible pricing models let you adjust to market shifts and competitor moves. This agility can be a key differentiator, allowing you to stay ahead of the curve. On this front, you want to maintain a competitive edge at all times.

Real-world success stories

Companies like Slack, Dropbox, and Zoom have successfully implemented freemium models. This implementation has allowed them to attract a wide user base and drive organic growth. 

Others, like Amazon Web Services and Twilio, have leveraged usage-based pricing to cater to businesses of all sizes. Thanks to usage-based pricing their customers can scale their usage and costs as needed.

By offering options and personalization, you can craft a pricing strategy that truly jells with your customers. What’s best, remaining flexible positions your business for long-term success.

Next steps: Try Orb's flexible billing platform

We've explored how the wrong software billing system can hinder your business. Now, it's time to translate this knowledge into action and choose the right one.

That's where Orb steps in.

Orb is the done-for-you billing platform that helps if you’re struggling with the issues we just discussed. Orb is a flexible billing engine for hybrid and usage-based pricing built for developers and finance teams. Orb ingests product usage data at a massive scale, speeds up new product launches, and provides detailed financial reporting.

Innovative companies like Perplexity and Vercel trust Orb to power their billing infrastructure. We've helped them and supported their growth ambitions.

With Orb, you can get:

  • Effortless integration: Orb seamlessly fits into your current setup. It connects with familiar data sources like S3 and Segment or through our flexible REST API. This means you can track usage and create invoices without any operational hiccups.
  • Usage tracking, your way: Define and monitor the usage metrics that truly matter to your business. Whether it's API calls, data storage, or feature engagement, Orb adapts to your specific needs.
  • Pricing flexibility at your fingertips: Orb supports a wide array of pricing models. Think detailed per-unit pricing to tiered plans based on usage. Our Plan Builder makes designing and implementing these models easy. No need for technical know-how.
  • Billing on autopilot: Orb automates everything from tracking to invoicing and payments. Our platform saves you time and resources and eliminates the risk of errors.

Ready to transform your billing experience? Try it out yourself and schedule a demo with Orb today.

September 18, 2024
Best Practices

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