Product-launch management from planning to post-launch

Sarah Goomar

Launching a SaaS product can be daunting, especially since you’ve invested so much time and effort into it. 

It doesn’t need to be so stressful. With adequate product launch management, rolling out your new SaaS solutions requires much less hassle. 

This blog post will give you some handy tips for managing product launches in the before, during, and after stages. 

Considerations you should have before the launch

The period leading up to your SaaS product launch is a whirlwind of activity, but it's also where you lay the groundwork for a successful debut. Here's what you need to focus on during this stage of product launch management:

Take enough time for adequate planning and strategy

Before you dive in, take a step back and define what success looks like for your SaaS product. Are you aiming for a certain number of users, specific revenue targets, or market share? Once you know where you're headed, it's much easier to map out the journey.

This involves identifying your ideal customer profile. Who are the people or businesses that will truly benefit from your software? 

Dive deep into their needs, pain points, and how your product will make their lives easier. A well-defined target audience helps tailor your marketing efforts and ensures you speak directly to the right people.

Speaking of marketing, thorough market research is non-negotiable. Are there similar products out there? What are the current trends and gaps in the market? Your research will guide your positioning and messaging, ensuring your product doesn't get lost in the crowd.

And, of course, your unique selling proposition (USP) is key. What makes your SaaS product different? What’s that special je ne se quoi that your SaaS product is bringing to the table? Identifying and honing your USP will be the backbone of your marketing and sales efforts.

Build a solid foundation through product development

This may seem obvious, but it's worth emphasizing: Your product must be ready. It should have all the core features and benefits you promised, and it needs to work flawlessly. No one wants to be the first user to encounter a bug or glitch.

Beta testing is your friend. Get your product in the hands of real users — their feedback is invaluable. They'll help you identify any kinks or areas for improvement before the big launch.

Create buzz with marketing and promotion

Now, it's time to spread the word. Develop a comprehensive marketing plan. This should include your launch timeline, key messages, and the channels you'll use to reach your audience.

Craft compelling content that highlights the benefits of your SaaS product and shows how it solves your target audience's problems. Think blog posts, social media campaigns, email marketing, and even paid advertising if your budget allows.

Don't forget the power of pre-launch campaigns. Teasers, sneak peeks, and early-bird offers can build anticipation and excitement for your product. You're essentially priming your audience for the launch day.

Pave the path to purchase by taking care of sales and distribution

While marketing focuses on awareness, your sales channels get your product into customers' hands. Determine the most effective ways to sell your SaaS product. 

Will you offer a free trial? 

Will you sell directly through your website or partner with other platforms?

Ensure your sales team is well-versed in your product's features and benefits. Equip them with the tools they need to answer questions and close deals.

Make sure you can keep up with the demand

These include the behind-the-scenes elements that keep everything running smoothly. If you're offering a free trial, you need to ensure your servers can handle the influx of new users. You should also have a robust customer support system in place to handle questions and troubleshoot any issues.

Do not underestimate the power of partnerships and integrations. If your product integrates with other popular tools, make sure those connections work smoothly.

Considerations you should have during the launch

Your SaaS product is live — the culmination of all your hard work. But the launch is a new ballgame, demanding focus and agility. Here's what you need to tackle for this state of product launch management:

Nail execution and coordination

Launch day isn't just another day. It's the moment your carefully crafted plans meet the real world. Your checklist should be meticulously followed to ensure all systems are a go.

Communication is king. Your teams need to be in sync. Everyone, from marketing to sales to customer support, plays a crucial role in making your launch successful. Regular check-ins and open lines of communication will keep everyone on the same page.

Keep a close eye on the pulse. Monitor your website traffic, sign-ups, and any early feedback. Be ready to troubleshoot technical hiccups or address customer concerns in real time. Remember, a smooth launch experience sets a positive tone for your product.

Amplify your message through marketing and engagement

Your pre-launch buzz was just the beginning. Now it's time to kick your marketing campaigns into high gear. Unleash your social media posts, make sure, and run those targeted ads.

Create engaging experiences for your audience. Host webinars, Q&A sessions, or live demos to showcase your product's features and benefits. Get your audience involved and excited.

If you have the resources, leverage influencers and media coverage to get the word out to a broader audience. Their endorsement can lend credibility and spark interest in your product. This is an often-overlooked tool during product launch management. 

Give sales and support the importance they deserve

It's not just about attracting users. It's about converting them into customers. Make certain that your sales channels are fully operational and ready to process orders or sign-ups.

Your customer support team should be on standby, ready to provide top-notch service. Answer questions promptly, address concerns, and guide new users through your product. This is your chance to create a positive first impression and build lasting relationships.

Don't forget to actively collect feedback. Early customer insights can help you identify areas for improvement and iterate on your product.

Regularly monitor and adjust strategies

Launching a SaaS product is an ongoing process. Continuously track those key performance indicators (KPIs) you set earlier. Are you meeting your goals? If not, what needs to change? Answering these questions can make product launch management much more straightforward. 

Be prepared to pivot. The launch phase is all about learning and adapting. Don't be afraid to tweak your strategies based on real-time data. Flexibility is key to navigating the market's ever-changing landscape.

Considerations you should have after the launch

Your SaaS product might be live, but your journey is far from over. The post-launch phase is all about refining, growing, and learning. Here's what you need to focus on during the final stage of product launch management:

Make sure you run a post-launch analysis

Your launch was a whirlwind — now's the time to catch your breath and analyze the data. 

How did your launch perform against your initial goals? 

Were sales numbers in line with expectations? 

Did you attract the right users?

Remember to gather feedback from your customers. What are they saying about your product? Are there any common pain points or suggestions for improvement? This feedback is pure gold for shaping your product's future.

Take a critical look at your launch strategy. What worked? What didn't? Identify areas where you can optimize your processes for future launches.

Keeping the momentum going through continuous marketing

Your launch might be over, but the marketing must continue. Keep the conversation going with your audience through follow-up campaigns. Focus on special offers and engaging content.

Keep your community active through newsletters, blog posts, and social media interactions. The goal is to keep your SaaS product top-of-mind and nurture those customer relationships you've worked so hard to build.

Iterating for success through product improvements

Feedback is your compass for product improvement. Use the insights you've gathered to make your product even better. Plan updates, new features, or even entirely new versions based on what your customers tell you they need.

Don't keep your customers in the dark. Communicate your product enhancements clearly and regularly. This shows that you're listening and that your product is evolving to meet their needs.

Building loyalty through sales and boosting customer retention

Acquiring new customers is great, but retaining them is even better. Develop strategies to keep your customers engaged and satisfied with your SaaS product. This could involve loyalty programs, exclusive content, or excellent customer service.

Remember, happy customers are your best advocates. They'll spread the word about your product, leading to even more growth.

Encouraging documentation and continuous learning

Take the time to document your entire launch process. This will be an invaluable resource for future launches. What did you learn? What would you do differently next time?

Conduct a post-mortem with your team. Celebrate your successes but also be honest about any shortcomings. By extracting lessons learned, you'll be better equipped to tackle your next product launch confidently.

The post-launch phase may not have the same adrenaline rush as the launch. However, it's where you solidify your success and lay the foundation for continued growth.

Next steps for your product launch management

A successful SaaS product launch is about the entire customer experience. A crucial part of that experience is billing. You simply can’t neglect this aspect of your product launch management. 

Imagine the frustration of a new user, excited about your product, who then encounters errors during the payment and invoicing process. That's a recipe for a negative first impression and potential churn.

This is where platforms like Orb come into play.

Orb is a done-for-you billing platform designed to simplify the complexities of SaaS billing. It offers features specifically tailored to the needs of SaaS businesses, helping you:

  • Integrate effortlessly: Orb's integrations with popular tools like S3 and Segment make it easy to get up and running quickly. Your usage data can be seamlessly ingested from your app or data warehouse.
  • Track usage with precision: Whether you're tracking API calls, storage usage, or any other metric, Orb simplifies the process. You have the flexibility to define the usage metrics that matter most to your business.
  • Design flexible pricing plans: Orb supports various pricing models, from granular per-unit charges to tiered pricing based on usage levels. Their Plan Builder empowers you to create the perfect pricing structure without writing a single line of code.
  • Automate billing cycles: From usage tracking and fee calculations to discounts, invoicing, and adjustments, Orb automates your entire billing workflow. This saves you time and reduces the risk of errors for better overall customer satisfaction.

Schedule a demo from Orb to learn how we can take care of the heavy lifting when it comes to customer billing.

July 25, 2024
Best Practices

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